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GRUMMAN G164B AG CAT Single Engine Piston Aircraft For Sale

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    Grumman G164B AG CAT Aircraft Information

    The main design of the Grumman G-164 airframe includes several safety innovations: air conditioning, a fuselage designed to progressively collapse in the event of an accident, and a pressurized cockpit to keep out pesticides. The initial and basic model, Ag Cat, is certified to fly with four different engines, a Continental radial engine, a Gulf Coast radial engine, a Jacobs L-4M or L-4MB engine, or a Jacobs R-755 engine.

    The Super Ag Cat (A/450) became the main model with a Pratt & Whitney R-985 engine, a higher gross weight, improved brakes, larger diameter wheels, and an increased fuel capacity. The Super Ag Cat A/600 model is the A/450 with a Pratt & Whitney R-1340 engine. The Super Ag Cat B/450 improved the A model with an increased wingspan, an enlarged fin and rudder, and a lengthened fuselage. The upper wing was also raised to reduce interference in visibility. An improved B/450, the Super Ag Cat B/525, used a Continental/Page R-975 engine. The C/600 model has a larger fuselage than the B/450 to accommodate a larger hopper. The D series of the model, D/T, D/ST, D/SST, replaced the radial piston engines with turboprop engines. With an even more powerful engine, the B-Plus/600 has the same large hopper featured in the C models. A lower powered model, the B-Plus/450 is only available from custom order. Aftermarket conversions included the re-engined, Marsh G-164 C-T Turbo Cat and the Mid Continent King Cat.

    To view the various models currently available, please check out our Grumman aircraft for sale for descriptions and photos or PLACE A LISTING of your aircraft for sale.