LOCKHEED Turboprop Aircraft For Sale

TurboProp Lockheed Aircraft Information

With the capacity for five crew members, the Lockheed Hercules is a four engine turboprop military transport aircraft. The empty weight is 75,800 lb (34,400 kg) and the maximum takeoff weight is 155,000 lb (70,300 kg). The cruise speed is 336 mph (292 knots, 570 km/h) and the maximum speed is 366 mph (320 knots, 592 km/h). The Hercules is powered by four Allison T56-A-185 turboprops. Variant models include the C-130A/B/E/F/G/H/K/T, C-130J Super Hercules, C-130K, AC-130A/E/H/U Spectre/Spooky, C-130D/D-6, CC-130E/H/J Hercules, DC-130 A/E, EC-130, GC-130, HC-130, JC-130, KC-130F/R/T/J, LC-130F/H/R, MC-130, NC-130, PC-130, RC-130, SC-130, TC-130, VC-130, and WC-130A/B/E/H/J.

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